11 August, 2010

More mid-week musings

After last Friday's baking, that once again spread over the weekend, I've decided to simplify things a little by only trying to cook two gluten-free treats. And hopefully I'll be able to post up the outcomes by Sunday night, fingers crossed! Also inspiration this week has been a bit more forthcoming even if I'm continuing on with last weeks theme of using in-season produce in my baking. I've also been keen to dip into my Mum's recipes again and adapt one of my old favorites, pumpkin fruit cake which is full of juicy fruit and the colour and flavour of a wedge of Jap Pumpkin. Although I might deviate from Mum's recipe by making up my own mixed fruit using raisins, sultanas, apricots, mixed rind, dates, prunes and cranberries which I'll soak with some walnuts in a little bit of alcohol to add an extra moistness. Yum!

For the other treat, I'm going to go savory again, this time I'll give making my own pizza dough a go using the 'real bread mix' as the base flour. As I've previously posted, this mix makes great tasty bread and the makers have suggested that it also works just as well for pizza dough. Although more and more pizza parlours are offering gluten- free options, even our local pizza joint, nothing quite beats a home made pizza full of your own favorite toppings. This will make for an interactive dinner for our Friday night dinner guests, where pre-prepare a couple of bases that we can all dress with our favorite toppings and pop them in the oven. It'll go perfectly with red wine, crusty bread and salad. Mmmm!

Anyway tune in later in the week and find out how it all goes! Happy baking.

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