16 July, 2010

Melting moments or Passionfruit kisses

A couple of weeks ago I decided to get a head start on my baking project. I’d bought myslef a couple of gluten free cookbooks to add to the couple I already had on intolerances, so my library now consists of
• The Gluten-free Cookbook by the Australian Women’s Weekly
• The Gluten-free Kitchen by Sue Shepard
• Irresistibles for the Irritable by Sue Shepard
• Friendlly Food: The essential guide to avoiding allergies, additives and problem chemicals by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Allergy Unit.

We were visiting friends and I wanted to take a little treat with us so I decided on the “Melting Moments” from the “Gluten free kitchen”. Well you know what? When I first decided on this challage I searcha few websites and looked around for some advice on gluten free baking and one of the most important ones I noted was ‘Be careful with your measurements as gluten free baking is more exact and less tolerant than normal baking’. And of course you’ve got to learn to trust your instincts.

So as I was preparing this recipe for the first time what did I do? I wasn’t very exact with measuring out the flour and when it came to rolling out mixture into balls to put on the tray I didn’t trust my instincts. Anyway I thought they didn’t have enough flour and were too buttery and I was right. I pulled out a cooked tray that was one big crumbly biscuit. There was no way I was going to put passionfruit icing on those and take them to our friends place! Oh well we stopped off at the local bakery on the way to vist them and I didn’t eat any baked treats that morning.

However, when we returned home I headed straight into the kitchen and gave it all another go. This time I was careful with the measuring of the flour and adjusted the mix at the end to make sure my dough rolled nicely into balls. And hey presto, they came out edible this time. Although they were are bit small and high because I didn’t fork them down as well possible. Mind you they still tasted a treat as I just iced the top with the passionfruit butter and they were bite sized tasty morsels instead. They got rave reviews from friends who came over that night for dinner.

Anyway here is the recipe courtesy of the “Gluten Free Kitchen” by Sue Sheppard.

Melting Moments
Makes approx 15 double/30 single biscuits
½ c puring icing sugar, sifted
½ tsp vanilla essence
200g unsalted butter
1 Tbsp orange zest
1 c GF custard powder
1 c GF plain flour

Passionfruit Cream
30g unsalted butter
1 c pure icing sugar sifted
2 Tsp fresh passionfruit pulp

1. Preheat oven 180C and line 2 baking trays with baking paper
2. Place icing sugar, butter vanilla essence and orange zest in abowl and beat with electric beaters until well combined.
3. Sift the custard powder and flour into a bowl, then add to the creamed butter and mix to form a firm dough.
4. Roll dough into small balls (approx 30), place on baking tray and press with a fork. Bake fir 10-15 mins or until lightly browned on base. Remove from oven and leave on trays for 5 mins before transferring to wire racks to cool completely
5. To make passionfruit cream, mix butter and ½ cup icing sugar in a small bowl until pale and creamy. Add remaining icing sugar and passionfruit pulp until thick and pale.
6. Depending on how you like it – spread cream on base and sandwich together or if you like bite sized like me, spread a bit on the top of each biscuit.

Enjoy! Note they keep in an airtight container for about 3-5 days but they’re unlikely to last that long at our place or with friends!

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